What do you think about this solutions for your problem?

how to heal lower back pain

Back pain is very annoying, especially for people who are 40 and older. There are many causes that must be considered before treatment.
Some people have back pain because of their lifestyle and unhealthy food intake.

Fortunately, there are ways to relieve pain in the lower back. It can be temporary or permanent depending on the severity of the pain and what is the real cause. Here are some methods on how to relieve back pain.

anti-inflammatory drugs can slow or temporarily stop MUSCLE back pain. These medications or drugs can be ibuprofen, paracetamol or mefenamic acid. One caveat: Follow the recommended dosage to prevent damage to the kidneys and liver.

Heat and cold application
heating pads and ice packs can be effective to stop the pain. Carefully place a heating hot on the affected or use an ice pack cushion area. To do this for 10-15 minutes to relieve pain. You can also combine the two to reduce pain.

It is advisable to rest your body for pain. Stay in bed with a pillow under your knees when you're about to sleep, it can slowly recover from the pain in the lower back.

There are methods of exercise to relieve back pain. Should seek advice from professional therapists to help relieve lower back PAIN.Strengthening back and core muscles indirectly to alleviate the problem of back pain.

Massage is also an effective way to stop the pain in the back. You can combine massage creams. You can hire massage for home service or you can go to massage nearby stations.

Yoga is a relaxation technique as it also incorporates meditation too. It stretches the muscles, including the joints and bones. You can get professional treatment Yoga or you can buy DVDs or books on yoga.

This is an ancient form of Chinese to treat different types of disorders such as back pain. A fine needle is sterile and the material used for perforating the pressure points on the skin.

Chiropractic therapy
Chiropractic therapy focuses on the structures of the spine and bones. It is effective in relieving back pain. The only downside is the service is quite expensive.

Right posture
This is very effective especially when you're at work. Just keep a good posture when sitting or you can use therapeutic chairs. The correct standing position must be maintained in order to reduce back pain.

Proper diet
adequate nutrition should also be maintained. Eating the right kind of foods rich in vitamins and minerals is a good idea, especially for people suffering from obesity and aging. With discipline and control of eating habits can help reduce body weight which indirectly helps to reduce the pressure and strain on the spine. Getting out of the body 10 kg is equal to mitigate kg weight on the spine.

Spine surgery
When all else fails and the pain is still there, one underlying problem may be the case of back pain. Ask your doctor for a proper diagnosis in cases surgery is necessary.

In conclusion, there are many ways to stop back pain. Just remember that proper consultation with your doctor is the first thing to do before treatment. An example is to have a radiological examination.

Self Ian Crouch suffers from back pain for 10 years. Throughout my years of suffering, I tried many ways to treat myself and I developed a great interest in ways to strengthen our heart and muscles of the back, I think that indirectly treat sore upper and lower back.

Having a healthy body and a positive mindset is important and only then how can we protect our bodies, we need to build and strengthen our abdominal muscles to maintain our strong body and a strong structure. This strong muscles form a frame structure base to maintain our column in place and prevent slipping and degenerated disc.

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