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Strengthening Lower Back Exercises You Can Do In Your Own Home

People who suffer from chronic low back pain secondary to nerve compression or incorrect posture exercises benefit from lower back pain.

The objectives of these exercises is to promote good posture , strengthen core muscles are the abdominal and back muscles and stretch tight muscles to facilitate movement and posture.

These lower back exercise are usually taught by trained therapists in therapy sessions. However, doctors also introduce their patients complaining of lower back pain exercises to avoid aggravating the situation and begin to strengthen the core muscles from the beginning.

strengthening lower back exercises consist of simple, basic and easy to follow exercises that patients can do at home or at work during their free time lower back pain exercises . The constant repetition can foster strong abdominal and back muscles significantly minimizing pain and promote good posture. Here are some of the most basic exercises ;

1 . Slides wall. You can do this simple exercise by standing with your strengthening lower back against the wall. Make sure the back of the head , shoulders and buttocks are against the wall. Put your right or left against his lower back ( palm facing the wall) hand, lower back pain exercises as if the support of the natural arch or " lordosis " strengthening lower back.

The heels of both feet should be about 3 inches from the wall . This position must be maintained while slowly sliding down the wall and bend your knees carefully strengthening lower back. This is one of the lower back pain exercises backache simplest thing you can do at home or in your office during your vacation periods. Have slides wall around 10 to 15 repetitions, strengthening lower back preferably twice per day.

Two . Pelvic tilt . Do this exercise lying on strengthening lower back. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor or carpet lower back pain exercises .Place one hand on the lower back with her ​​palm against the floor or carpet. Hold this position while you try pressing your strengthening lower back against the hand is placed below.

Hold for 5 counts and relax. Repeat 10 to 15 times strengthening lower back. This movement is called the pelvic tilt. lower back pain exercises You're really tilt the basin key back your lower back into the mat. By doing this, you will feel your abdominal muscles tighten while strengthening lower back maintaining the angle.

Three . One of the best exercises for strengthening lower back is deep slot. This exercise stretches the muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps ) lower back pain exercises and abdomen . You can do this by kneeling on one knee. Place the other foot in front strengthening lower back. Slowly lift your knees and keep looking forward. Hold for five seconds and repeat 3 times on each side.

April. Year the knee to the strengthening lower back. This exercise stretches the muscles of the buttocks or gluteal muscles . Lie on your back and bring one knee then pulling gently on his chest. Hold for five seconds, strengthening lower back then repeat five times on each side .

These are just some of the most basic lower back exercise and simple strengthening lower back. There are many other exercises you can do at home.

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