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Best Back Strengthening Exercises

It is said that the kettle bell exercises are good for strengthening the back, thighs ,improve posture and cardiovascular health. There is a fitness outfit perfectly made for athletes or even for those who have a treatment for back pain and neck pain. There are many different exercises that use therapies for those who suffer from back pain.

Part of the training has been shown to reduce pain and injury through lifting techniques. We recommend you to use kettle bells to strengthen the abdominal and improve flexibility of the hips.

Some tips with kettle bells to back strengthening exercises

With the driving medium which can get back force to protect the back by :

Place two kettle bells in front .Bend your knees and slowly try to push your ass . After bending kettle bells support by the handle.
Then hold the other kettle bell ,while the other is down. Bend your elbows as you draw in the stomach with kettle bells.
Repeat with the other use of the arm.

Some back strengthening exercises that are good:

One arm Kettle bell Row - is performed by placing the kettle bells on the floor or just in the chair. It is made with the knees bend slightly worn. Waist should be almost parallel to the ground . Perform this exercise will help to strengthen your back.

Kettle bell Swing - This is the type of exercise you can do all the body completely . It provides for the strengthening of the spine , the erector muscles and group.

Straight lines - it was previously without using the legs and back. It takes place only with the weapons used.
Of course, you should avoid positions that can hurt your back, you 'd better start with light equipment at first. Usually ,for a beginner, the weight is 8 kg for women and 12 kg for men.

The back muscle is capable of good posture and the lower back is also called the erector spine . Therefore, it is important that the lumbar few years. Some of these exercises are:

Kettle bell swing
Kettle bell Boot
Kettle bell dead lift

There are several things to keep in mind when you back strengthening exercises. The first thing to be careful not to bend the back forward. We must maintain the natural curve of the lower back. If you have pain, consult a professional who can help you .

If you have osteoporosis , stenos cord or mechanical failure , it is best to consult a doctor.

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