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How To Fix Scoliosis? Simple Exercises That Can helps

Scoliosis exercises in many shapes and sizes, however, very few of them are worth the time and effort when it comes to this complicated condition column . Many attempts to try to "idiopathic" (unknown cause) condition is a frustrating experience for the patient and physician alike and the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis is no exception.

For thousands of years ,doctors ,religious leaders and the various "wise men" of the time tried to " break the code of scoliosis treatment " ,without success.

The question is: how to fix scoliosis?

Devices that allow an artificial correction spine have been developed and used since the beginning of the story and the first metal scoliosis brace was developed in 1575. To date , none of these devices have been able to reduce the growing rate of scoliosis surgery or alter the natural course of the disease.

Attempts to idiopathic scoliosis "right" surgery have been used since 1865 , although it has improved since it is a very invasive procedure with many complications and the success rate of long-term poor .

Why not "treat scoliosis "traditional work? Maybe it is because all previous attempts to treat scoliosis were primarily or exclusively to treat the disease " primary symptom " and not the real cause of scoliosis.

Virtually every accepted theory on the cause of idiopathic scoliosis is based on a failure of the brain to discover or underdevelopment in the automatic postural control centers in the brainstem (hormonal and can link too) , which means that the spine of scoliosis itself is really an external symptom of a neurological disorder.

Think of it this way, looking out the window can not "see" the wind, but you can see the effects of wind on the grass , trees , flags, etc. The same logic can be applied to "see" the effects of a neurological disease known in the spine as a curvature of scoliosis .

Suddenly , it becomes very clear and obvious why the methods of treatment of traditional scoliosis (scoliosis braces and fusion surgery for scoliosis ) are very inefficient. how to fix scoliosis? We must treat scoliosis primarily as a neurological disease that has major effects on the spine as a curve.

Currently , the only known way to " enter" or "re - train" automatic postural control centers of the brain is being artificially when the brain perceives the center of mass of the body change are compared to each other through exercises highly specialized scoliosis.

patients with typical scoliosis , head , pelvis and torso center of mass are not compatible with each other and for some reason , they made ​​no alarm in the center position automatic control of your brain tell their spines for self -ok and online backup . the result is a twisted column that does not send the message to the brain that something is wrong.

the trick to "teach" how to fix scoliosis the twisted spine itself is adding weight to the head , torso and pelvis of the patient (depending on the patient's needs ) so that your brain will "recognize" the respective masses of the central parts of the body are not automatic online control centers of the brain and pull shot in the spine in alignment.

The brain will soon begin to learn these new "tracks" , neurological and soon learn to hold the spine scoliosis upright automatically. By placing an increased demand on the body cord system righting reflexes automatically recruit muscle firing to stabilize the spine of gravity on the basis of the new application.

Neuronal adaptation occurs after approximately 120 days and a new model becomes thorns muscle issues affect three-dimensional position of gravity.

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