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Common Shoulder injuries

A high school athlete should never ignore a common shoulder injuries. The shoulder is a major joint in the body . Athletes need the shoulder to throw a ball or other object from an opponent , balance, and so on.

Unfortunately, all these activities can cause a variety of common shoulder injuries, ranging from mild to severe. The key is to recognize these injuries , treat them properly, and that the ability of a high school athlete - to prevent them.

What makes the common shoulder injuries joint special ? One of its main characteristics is that there is less contact in the bones of the shoulder joint to the bone, as in other joints of the human body. What does that mean ? There is a greater reliance on muscle, cartilage , etc., to reduce the impact of stress on the joint application.

And that means there is an increased risk of soft tissue injuries . The shoulder bones include the humerus , scapula and clavicle . Probably the sternum should also be included in a shoulder bone . In substance, the shoulder joint is made up of four different functions as a unit.

There are different causes of common shoulder injuries. It is a snap. This means that the hand and forearm of the athlete to stretch as far as possible from the body. Another major cause of common shoulder injuries in athletes of high school is a repetitive motion .

This can lead to injuries such as damage to the rotator cuff tendinitis , and over time -osteoarthritis. Another common shoulder injuries involves a shoulder to be beaten, as by a blow or a fall.

An injury to the rotator cuff is particularly common in high school sports , which occur more often in baseball pitchers . Other athletes who experience common as golfers, swimmers and strategists football. Shoulder injuries can include a dislocated common shoulder injuries, a dislocated shoulder and fractured shoulder most common : the broken collarbone .

One of the most important steps to take after suffering a severe shoulder injury is to rest the shoulder. And if some movements are the cause of pain , movement of high school athletes must stop immediately ! During the first three days after the common shoulder injuries, the athlete should ice your shoulder for 20 minutes several times a day .

Then he or she should seek the help of a therapist. In time, the athlete should start doing some basic moves needed in the sport at a gradual pace. common shoulder injuries more severe require one or more operations . These operations can be very complex (and expensive), so that the athlete must first consult your doctor before undergoing an operation.

The good news is that you can take steps to reduce your risk of common shoulder injuries. For example, you can increase the strength and flexibility of the upper body . Moreover , using the upper body to perform certain movements in the holder, be sure to use good body mechanics.

This will not only help prevent shoulder injuries , but will also improve the quality of your game! And finally, always do stretching and warming up before a practice session , or part of a game.

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