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Trapped Nerve in Back

When there is pain due to a nerve from the spinal cord is pressed or there is a trapped nerve in back areas of the body is generally sciatica. The pain is often caused by irritation and inflammation caused by a prolapsed disc and a pinched nerve .

Although the problem is stuck in the back of the torso nerve pain is felt along the nerve route of the buttock down the leg to the foot. This is the left or right , because the sciatic nerve divides into the lower back down each leg. Herniated disc or herniated disc or slide to the left or right , do not press on both sides .

Sciatica pain ranges from mild to severe , but the pain in the leg and the pain often radiates more acute in the lower back. It can also be the " tingling " sensation and numbness or weakness felt in a part of the buttock , leg or foot. The site of the accident is still a factor in the resulting symptoms and severity of pain.

When trapped nerve in back is caused by a herniated disc pressing on a nerve in the lower part of the spinal cord , it is considered a rare condition called caudal equine. This rare disease should be considered an emergency because it causes a malfunction of the saddle and bladder functions .

The patient is usually unable to urinate , feeling of numbness in the head and in the anal area and feel a weakness in the legs. This syndrome requires immediate care from your doctor because the nerves of the bowel and bladder , if not treated can cause permanent damage.

There have been cases where they discovered a herniated disc or other forms of herniated disc during a routine checkup , not realizing that the patient has the disease. When there is a trapped nerve in back of the torso due to a herniated disc or part of the disease ( including inflammation ) is not pressing on a nerve , no pain signal transmitted to the brain .

The symptoms all depend on the sensitivity of the trapped nerve in back and its messages to the brain. Sometimes the symptoms disappear within a few weeks. Some cases of repeated magnetic resonance imaging shows that the herniated portion decreases in size over time . The symptoms are reduced and the ease and disappear over time . Only one in 10 cases is the pain is still strong enough to last more than a month , which may then require surgery .

There are tests such as X-rays and tests that your doctor will want to do to see the extent of damage and if there is a trapped nerve in back of the lower back . An MRI may be necessary to see where the site is difficult to estimate its size and to determine if surgery is necessary . Your doctor will diagnose the disease based on the test results and symptoms.

After the diagnosis and the doctor ruled out an immediate surgery should continue their normal activities as possible . If the pain is severe, you should take a little easy, but you must continue to move toward decreasing the likelihood of its members to atrophy of his prolonged stay in bed . Standing still for a long time will do more harm than good.

In addition to physical therapy , muscle relaxants and analgesics are prescribed to relieve the pain caused by a trapped nerve in back of the torso.

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