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Common Running injuries

Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise which has good effects on the body. Help improve endurance and burn calories to keep the body in the form of scarcity . It also increases the level of good cholesterol in the body and boost our immune system. However, running is a high impact sport is not for everyone . 

Due to its nature high-impact common running injuries, which can cause injury to the ankles, knees , hips and even the spine. To enjoy the race and not take advantage of you , you should be aware of common injuries due to running and how they caused so you can take precautions and not be a victim of them.

Runner's Knee common running injuries

Patellofemoral pain syndrome or common running injuries otherwise known as the runner's knee is caused by irritation of the cartilage in the knee joint . Contributes about 45 % of total running common running injuries. As the duration and intensity of your current increases , the pain intensifies. 

It is usually caused by the use of running shoes which are of inferior quality or not designed to run so that the supports are insufficient. The tread and uneven issue also increases the risk common running injuries. Insufficient recovery time between races also contributes to runner's knee .

Plantar Fasciitis common running injuries

Plantar fasciitis is a result of an inflammation of tissue in the lower part of the leg which connects the heel bone of our our toes . Riders who have tight Achilles tendons are at a higher risk of this common running injuries The use of running shoes with little support, long distance runners and flatfoot finalists will also have a higher risk common running injuries. Runners suffering from plantar fasciitis have swollen feet and weak and have difficulty walking.

leg cramps common running injuries

Tibial stress syndrome or commonly known as shin splints produce a sharp pain in the chin area due to inflammation of the tibia. Usually due to vigorous activities such as tennis and running. Pain occurs intermittently during activities such as tennis and can remain throughout the activity common running injuries, such as long distance running and the time will the broker to stop the race due to excruciating pain. Running on uneven roads and inadequate shoes with inadequate support increases the risk of leg cramps .

Above 3 common running injuries race . If you noticed, all are caused by running on uneven surfaces with inadequate footwear that provides support for the poor foot. If you encounter problems, it would be best to run on a treadmill that provides a flat surface constant. 

If you want to run in a natural environment, investing money in a good pair of running shoes and your feet will thank you for it. After all common running injuries, spending hundreds of dollars on a good pair of running shoes is cheaper than having to spend thousands of medical expenses in the future.

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