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Headache And Neck Pain

Headaches and neck pain almost never satisfied. However, if you have both conditions at the same time , it is likely that you have some kind of disorder or disease .

Rarely both headaches and neck pain be experienced simply because there are no nerve fibers in the tissues of the neck to make you feel pain. Headaches are usually caused by nerve fibers in the scalp. These nerves are connected to different parts of our body, however, including the neck muscles .

The combination of headache and neck pain can be due to various reasons, including neck pain triggers nerve cells that connect all the way to your scalp.

One of the main causes is stress. When the stress built , tension headache and neck pain occurs. This headache can cause your neck is stiff , so that the combination of headache and neck pain . Poor lighting can also cause stress . Play in a situation with insufficient lighting could not force the eyes, causing stress and tension headaches later.

The combination of headache and neck pain may also be due to poor posture . Uncomfortable position off the headache and neck pain, like sleeping on a flat pillow , without the help of the neck, can cause pain to shoot.

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint , which is when the jaw is too tight or because of a misalignment of headache and neck pain and jaw , could trigger the nerves , causing headaches as well. TMJ disorder is not fatal , unlike meningitis. Meningitis is caused by an infection of the meninges, which weakens the tissue that surrounds the brain. Symptoms of note include fever, headache and stiff neck .

Finally, a person who has experienced an injury or trauma to headache and neck pain from the accident may experience pain post- traumatic head, what shoulder pain in the long term and could lead to a headache and neck pain.

If you suffer from headaches and neck pain , you should consult a doctor and that the situation could be serious.

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