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Being Nice to Your Back Muscles

Sore muscles are sore for two reasons: exercise or overexertion. In fact , exercise that causes pain muscle is overworked , but because it was intentional , we feel good about it . Why you 're exercising , after all, is to get the muscles to a conditioned state . The other type of overwork, clean the garage on Saturday species , resulting in muscle pain that does not feel good . It makes us realize that our muscles are in need of air conditioning.

Maybe you have muscle pain in a specific area of strengthening wrong or fall or any number of disasters in the day we met . This type of muscle pain should be checked by a doctor , but usually it's just a pulled muscle .

What to do when you have muscle pain or muscle aches? The rest is always a good first step, but only during the first 24 hours. This allows the body to work initial repair . When I say that, I mean move normally and not focusing on the area unnecessarily . It is weight training of the reason is a type scheme every two days . These days off are important.

But let's say you have exceptional pain, the kind of pain that you walk slowly and be very careful when you move. Again , consult your doctor to rule out everything you need to worry. Exceptionally serious can feel pain and make you pay too much attention until you know nothing serious is wrong. And now ?

When the doctor says it is okay to go about your business and tell you not to overdo it and then give you a prescription for an anti -inflammatory, and not just stop there. Muscles begin to heal with rest , but they continue healing with movement. Let me explain by talking about bone healing.

If you or someone you know has never broken a bone, you probably know that the breaking point is a bit lumpy when cured. People generally it can detect sudden changes in barometric pressure points in the scarred areas are. Agglutination is due to immobilize the broken and allow the body to do its work area.

The body sends healing tissue begins to breakdown and repair . However, because bone is stopped , the body has no reason to determine how to make the fabric. When a break is immobilized by external fixation of bone pile ( ugly and somewhat painful ) not as healthy. This is because the whole body is in motion , both ends of the bone are also moving out of the tissue and extends in the direction of movement . This is very simplified , but you get the picture.

So for all immobilized bones heal , a curing zone pieces to move all the bones heal without lumps or less agglutination.

The same is true for the muscles . The muscles of the arms and legs rarely develop bumps or knots, as they often fail to move. Even when we develop knots in our members , we work only in the time of our normal daily activities.

However, the back muscles , the muscles simply can not continue to create nodes if left untreated. Sounds familiar? Healthy muscles should feel like bread dough when they are relaxed . Well, if you never knead bread . Place your forearms on your desk or table and relax as much as possible. Relax your wrist and fingers too. When you are relaxed enough , feel the muscles in his forearm with the other hand . That's what we're supposed to feel healthy muscles.

I bet , unless you have a training program with full weight, the back muscles do not feel like the muscle of the forearm plays now . Usually when someone asks me to work on the back or neck, I feel like the muscles are knotted strings on them. What is worse , feel the skin and bones . Yes, the muscle is there, but it is so thin that I can easily feel the bones.

Well, you have a pulled muscle in the back or muscle pain , or chronic pain. What do you do? What you do nothing . I highly recommend physiotherapy but I have to be with a therapist who is willing to advise you and deal with it.

The business model usually follows the therapist , you can do at home :

Moist heat for 20 minutes. Never use dry heat and do not use heat for 20-25 minutes each time. You get a rebound effect that hurts more muscle.

Exercise for specific muscle area . There are problems with doing it on your own . Some discomfort may refer pain and not be the site of injury . It does not hurt to practice the field of referred pain , but can not help someone. The second problem is that we consider to be better, and especially all men, more weight and more repetitions of what is good for muscle use . Start low , control how you feel the next day , add when the result is a slight pain that decides to move.

Ice on the painful area with some thin blanket between the ice and the skin. The use of ice is very difficult the first time you do it. Frankly , I prefer to apply ice to the back of the ankle. Man , it hurts. Well then relax as much as possible, because a tense muscle is a muscle work . An active muscle is firing and ice is not much good. Why ice? You have inflammation.

This reduces inflammation. It also improves circulation.
For years , there are about a zillion sites that offer exercises and a number of exercise videos on You Tube . To help educate yourself on your muscle structure , take a copy of Grey's Anatomy - the book, not the TV - or better yet the anatomy Coloring Book. Coloring book fun is much cheaper and much more . Begin to notice what hurts and where can find the exercise that seems to stretch or to the muscle or muscle group.

Musculoskeletal drawings are also useful if you do not have pain, but you know that your back is just one accident away from a pulled muscle . The only difference in the regime of physical therapy is that you can warm up rather than starting by heat. After the ice is always a good idea, but it is not as necessary as muscle elongation and inflamed.

If we are smart about the treatment of muscles, they are given us many years of trouble free service . But if we are not ... Well, you probably know what happens.

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