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Debunking Myths About Laser Spine Surgery

This article aims to dispel myths about the laser spine surgery for . The first thing a person has to make is whether you are a candidate for this type of procedure. Before surgery , it is important to try all the alternatives available and if you still have a problem , you can choose to have surgery.

There are many alternatives that a person could try it includes analgesics, massage therapy and even physics. If you still have problems, your doctor may recommend that you go for surgery.

Myth # 1: The spine laser surgery can cure all

Not everyone can be cured, but the doctor will be honest with you and you will be informed in advance if you can be assisted . The doctor will not give you false hope or information . Moreover, even after surgery, you can continue to experience pain , and what you need to have realistic expectations for go to see a doctor. However, modern medicine has progressed in leaps and bounds and the things that the doctors could not do before are now possible . Therefore , the doctor will make every effort to provide relief from discomfort and pain .

Myth # 2 : The recovery time is the same as the traditional surgery spine

The good thing for the surgery is the fact that today we have the modern technology to make surgery. The result is that the surgery is a minimally invasive surgery can solve the problems in the soft tissues and even bone problems.

The beauty of this technique is that you can be given smaller incisions and conscious sedation leading to fewer complications and lower risks . After surgery , it is recommended that a person take it easy for a while and avoid bending or lifting heavy objects.

Myth # 3 : There are no complications

Depending on the problem , if you have had previous surgery and the amount of nerve damage , the results may vary. Fewer complications can be expected that if a person has not had previous surgery , but most patients had good or excellent results.

However, a patient needs to know that complications can occur and are the most common infections in your disk space after discectomy . You can discuss with your doctor the risks and your doctor can advise you accordingly. You can even request a third opinion to be absolutely sure.

Myth # 4: No pre -operative instructions to follow

Before surgery, you should avoid certain drugs especially those that may increase bleeding. Anti -inflammatory drugs and aspirin should avoid fourteen to twenty -one days before the surgery. Anticoagulants should be stopped three to five days before surgery and is also recommended that the patient stops taking vitamin A and ea few days before surgery.

Before surgery, you should arrange for someone to drive you to the clinic. Also, bring enough supplies health and clothes that can last five to seven days . Hotel accommodation can also be arranged if you live more than an hour of installation.

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