What do you think about this solutions for your problem?

Does Sitting Put You at Risk for a Back Injury at Work?

Is back pain or injury that put unemployed? Normally the risk associated with manual labor, but the travel work session, long journeys and IT tasks is also a risk. Like baseball, three strikes and you're out .

I sat back and stretched additional psychological stress , including traffic congestion , or telephone clashes term anxieties increase this tension. There is a strike . Each workday back is always tight. Differential oppression reconfigure its flexible structure and reduce shock. Strike two . These two strikes create pain and predispose to injury.

Is backache something that you would normally be able to do ? Was lifting a fairly light object or become a routine movement? Sitting decreases longevity then something simple structures damaged back. Strike three . Now he is unemployed.

Maybe the journey is not too long, business travel is limited , plus office has a rear seat support and frequent expensive work from your office computer or other screen breaks. You're always in trouble. The negative outcome of the meeting will not go away on their own , the problem is gradual and cumulative .

And this is the solution. The mobilization of structural sit right inverse reconfiguration and increases flexibility cushion . Unfortunately, not all movements create this mobilization.

Most remedies do-it -yourself are not based in biology good flexibility, strength and rehabilitation. For example, a common return exercise program consists of several movements each morning or evening , including pulling your legs up to your chest while lying on the ground.

These movements may be better than nothing, but they will not prepare your return for what you need and you want to do , the way you need and want . The mobilization of the right uses dynamic movements applied correctly throughout the day. These movements are like simple calisthenics exercises that we use as a warm up in the gym and can clear the area of cumulative effects.

Maybe you've been told the best way to stretch your back ( or zone ) moves slowly and then holding each position. This is not true. The best way is to keep moving . Dynamic movements are not properly applied excessive rebound Most fitness instructors described the force as violent or ballistic , they are specific continuous movements of security that can be used during the day to eliminate the cumulative effects of the session and they will not make you sweat or damage clothing.

Many of my patients do not realize the damage it causes or limitations of most exercise programs sitting back , so do not use the correct application of dynamic movement as a coherent and effective solution. Understand the risk of sitting and using this solution , you can keep back pain or injury that you put work.

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