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Pain Behind Shoulder Blade

If you have pain behind shoulder blade, here are some simple techniques that you can try to help relieve pain and return to normal as soon as possible. They are easy to make and take a few minutes in the comfort of your own home. 

1) section of wall - stand facing the wall pain behind shoulder blade, about arm's length . Reach out and touch the wall with your fingers at shoulder height , keeping your right arm. Now walk slowly toward the wall while slowly "walk" from his hand along the wall to the ceiling.

As you get closer to the wall to keep trying to achieve more and feel the stretch in the shoulder. Continue until your arm is as high as you can go and you're standing right next to the wall . You can do this with one arm at a time or with both arms at the same time pain behind shoulder blade, it is up to you .

2) extensible door handle - standing in front of a closed door, and take hold of the handle with both hands (you can use a dry towel or the back of a chair for that too) pain behind shoulder blade. Now slowly step away from the door and allow it to tilt forward so it can continue to cling to the door handle .

As you lean forward pain behind shoulder blade, keeping the arms straight until finally leaned forward 90 degrees from the waist with straight arms parallel with the ground. Again, you can do this stretch with one arm at a time or both together.

3) part of extensible door - standing in an open door, and lift her arm to her side , bent at 90 degrees pain behind shoulder blade. The arm ( biceps ) must be horizontal, while the forearm should be directed vertically on the roof. Place your forearm is vertical against the door frame , and very gently lean forward or take half a step forward. This will stretch the chest and upper back pain behind shoulder blade. Repeat on the other side .

4) After the return leg - reach both arms behind you and pain behind shoulder blade join hands. Keeping your arms straight , raise your hands. You have to look forward to this . Make sure to keep your back as straight as possible pain behind shoulder blade, and do not lift so high that it becomes painful. Hold for 20 seconds or more , and slowly return to the starting position .

5 ) Rest and ice pain behind shoulder blade. Above all, relax your shoulders if you have pain in the shoulder blade. Stretch once daily in the evening, then apply ice for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling and inflammation and relieve pain pain behind shoulder blade.

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