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The Benefits of Weight Loss for Back Pain Relief

Obesity is a growing epidemic in adults and children worldwide . This is a condition in which the fatty tissues of the body that are the desired body mass index ( BMI) of 30 index . For example, about 5 feet , 7 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds men with a BMI of 34 and is considered obese .

Poor diet and physical inactivity are known to lead to obesity . In turn , obesity contributes largely to factors of coronary heart disease, diabetes , respiratory problems , colon cancer , and the risk of high blood pressure. However, not all are aware that obesity is also a major contributor to back pain.

Our spine is responsible for maintaining the body weight. When too much weight is made, however, the spine can be stressed and overloaded. Over time , the pressure built up in the back can cause serious damage and lead to diseases such as osteoporosis , osteoarthritis, sciatica, herniated disc, back pain and other sources of unbearable pain.

Diseases caused by obesity

You can try to ignore your weight gain , but you should never overlook the fact that when you are obese , it is possible to create conditions that lead to back pain. The following are some examples.

The spinal disc is a buffer or cushion between the vertebrae of the spine. Due to injury or degeneration due to age , these discs can swell and rupture causing wear. Excess weight in the spine created by the stomach also results in wear of the discs of the spine , and over time can lead to a herniated disc.

A herniated disc may cause symptoms of numbness , muscle spasms and weakness. Back pain occurs when the nerve roots and spinal cord in the vertebrae are pressed and trapped by the bulging disc . Herniated discs can also be a factor why many obese people have sciatica, because the nerves of the legs are pressed by herniated discs .

Osteoarthritis , also known as arthritis of the spine, is very common in obese people. The load borne by the spine increases the pressure on the joints of the vertebral column and leads to cartilage degradation . Symptoms may occur not only in the lower back, but also in weight-bearing joints such as the hands , hips , knees and neck. Weight loss is recommended, but in extreme cases , joint replacement may be possible , and of course , surgery may create a risk of other health complications , too.

Lordosis is an abnormal curvature of the lower back. The spine is also the basin. When moving forward or rearward , the left or right , or when it rotates, it adjusts with the right spine. Lordosis develops when excess weight carried in the middle section kicks the term basin leading to the stress and strain of the lower back . People with lordosis may also suffer from stress , immobility , stiffness and pain in the lower back and around the affected area.

Benefits of weight loss for Back Pain Relief

The obesity epidemic is not done overnight . Industrialization , modernization and our sedentary lifestyles have had a huge impact on our eating habits. With all of fast food , supermarkets , convenient and saving labor devices , we do not put forth a great effort to produce and prepare our food. Added to that are high in calories and sugary foods that we love to eat .

Obesity is the result of an energy imbalance where you eat too many calories and not enough exercise to burn . Unfortunately, being overweight can add stress on the ligaments and muscles of the back. Our spine can become stressed , they lose their natural strength , become oblique or develop a natural curvature.

While weight loss can help improve serious health problems , but also common sense that can also relieve pain. If you are obese now , there are many ways available, such as diet and exercise , doubling its benefits for weight loss and restoring overall health.

Effective exercise for weight loss and relief of back pain

However , exercise is recommended for all types of back pain, certain conditions may require modifications , including the level of intensity and the amount of time needed to exercise for safety and rehabilitation . If the pain continues to exercise , you can try sweet, such as yoga, Pilates and back strengthening exercises as an introduction to help the condition of your routines back. They may include stretching and low impact aerobics can start doing that for 15 minutes a day.

For starters, you can do a bit of leg up. This is a great scope for the hamstrings and lower back. You can also do this lying on your back for extreme back pain. Stand with your right foot forward a few inches to the left leg. Then bend the left knee while pulling your abs slowly inward. Then lean forward perpendicular align your shoulders and arms and palms on his left knee for balance. You can repeat this 8 times two on each leg.

Lift the front quadruped arm / leg is also a great exercise to strengthen your back. For your starting position, you should be on all fours with your hands perpendicular to your shoulders and knees under hips. Be sure to come back naturally aligned and the base is firm. Then, extend the left leg while lifting the right arm simultaneously until they are flush with the body. Return to the starting position and repeat with the right leg and left arm .

Side table is best for the abdomen, back and shoulders. It requires a lot of movement , but it requires strength and balance to maintain the position . Lie on your side to its original position. Then lift your body off the ground with the forearm and the side of your foot. Hold for eight counts , tighten the heart and relax your shoulders .

There are many more exercises that can strengthen both the back and help you lose weight. However, it is important that also refers to the fundamental reason why you are overweight . A balanced diet that includes low-carb and high in fiber is more effective for weight loss when combined with exercise.

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