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What To Do About Lower Back Spasms?

A few years ago I injured my back while unloading a truck . At first I thought it was just a simple pulled muscle and leave . After all, I am a healthy person who daily up coins and other items as part of my work. However , I was 63 years old and time is catching up with us, and what I thought was a pulled muscle spasms developed in the lower back and caused me some pain. The big question was what to do with my lower back spasms ?

Everything I wanted to know what caused them , then how to get rid of them first. My doctor told me that the spasms are caused when a muscle tightens causes inflammation or the surrounding tissue is pulled. This is because it has been found can be a very painful condition .

The doctor prescribed two days of rest , certain drugs for mild pain and apply ice to the area that causes pain. The point is to heal the painful area and stop the spasms and pain that you must remove the inflammation.

Being a person who likes to be active and loves to exercise , expressed concern about how it might affect my lifestyle . Should I cut down on my physical assets or stop all together? Fortunately, the answer is no. After a few days , the pain disappeared and I have not been able to return to work and start my fitness program . However , I had to make some adjustments to avoid back problems in the future.

1 . Be careful when lifting heavy objects. Get help if needed and practice proper lifting techniques .

2 . Make sure you do some warm up exercises and stretching at the beginning of my training and after .

3 . Stay agile work, be on time and do some stretching exercises before lifting .

4. Be careful when you participate in sports that require a lot of torque.

5 Avoid lifting heavy in the gym and not late.

6 . Do specific stretching and strengthening exercises to condition the base lower back and prevent future injuries .

It has been a few years since my first injury. Unfortunately , a year after my first injury that re- injured his back and had to undergo an operation. Fortunately , I was pain free since learning about the imbalance and exercises designed by me to relieve and prevent back pain muscle .

So spasms in the lower back are the shape of your body telling you something is wrong. What happens to these spasms is important. Rest and use ice, but once the swelling and pain are gone, it is really up to you to find exercises and stretches to strengthen your back and prevent low back spasms returned.

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