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How Painful Headaches Can Be Caused by Neck

What computer neck and why make your head hurt?

There are a number of reasons for these problems , and working a desk job is one of the most remarkable . There are 8 small muscles in the base of the occipital ( large bumps on the back of the head). These muscles are called subclinical because they are connected in the occipital protuberance .

They are small, but responsible for a lot of work to lug around 18-20 pounds per head. Nodding down to read something on your desk, or even in the projection of the chin forward to look at the computer screen , these muscles work hard.

These movements are often exaggerated in the workplace and you do repeatedly throughout the day. This leads to stress and overuse. Often , stress or pain will travel down the shoulders. Sometimes finds its way to the back of the head or even the entire scalp just above the eyebrows. When this happens, it is probably already experiencing a headache .

You mean there are more side effects?

As a side effect of these repetitive movements of the neck muscles on the sides and front of the neck often get sore and tight too . These muscles are called the scalene aircraft. Once the company, which tend to remain difficult for a massage on.

Due to the location, which is very difficult and impractical to try to stretch . It is not uncommon to feel a burning sensation or pulling when a therapist takes a tissue work and trigger point therapy deep on them, however, will most likely be thankful when it's done .

Subsidence can cause pain

This is by far the most common structural problem I found with customers headaches . 8 These small muscles are so overwhelmed that they can not stop the spasms and end up in the development of trigger points. Trigger points ( PRT) can grow in tight or damaged muscle tissue and often appear as nodules (knots) embedded tissue . When the button is released, it can release the reason for the pain while a muscle or muscle group.

The spine can be twisted or injured, which will trigger a headache

I find that my clients also store a lot of emotional baggage in the muscles of the shoulders and neck. Far generally headaches of this nature are common confused with migraines , and much more often than you think . Most of my patients " migraine " generally appears to have symptoms of migraine and are "fixed" by techniques tension headache in minutes.

What should I do to spread the headache?

I love working with my client 's neck lying on his back .His head is as heavy as it is , I can use gravity to get good pressure on the muscles. I like to wear a couple of flights as mentioned in point 2 above . Passive stretching is much easier for someone else , allowing you to focus on relaxing . In general , I will combine multiple techniques such as constant direct pressure , hot towels and essential oils to tackle the problem from all angles , you can enter a session. Muscle are actually several techniques simultaneously .

What can you do now that pain? A series of slow exercises can relieve correlation between headaches and neck pain.

1 . Slip into a high chair or bed to allow the neck muscles to rest and recover at night.

2 . In a standing position , drop your chin to your chest and let gravity stretch the muscles of 30-90 sec. You can also integers, large and slow circles with your neck to loosen things up.

3 . Get two tennis balls and put them in a long sock and tie it to not roll or slide . Layer with tennis balls contoured below the base of the head on either side of the spine . Place it ( as long as comfortable ) 2-5 min. Gravity will take your head and put pressure on the muscles with tennis balls. * Tip - depending on the size / structure , you may keep the tennis balls with your hands to prevent slipping under the weight of his head will .

4 . Use a tool such as a cane or Thera acu points masseur tension in the area and release the trigger points ( packets tight muscles, TRP). The discovery of these "knots" stacked and pressure slowly applied until 1-2 minutes at a time to get loose.

5 . You may essential oils to soothe and relax on neck . Use one or two drops of essential peppermint oil therapeutic grade on the chin or under the nose and / or rub 2-4 drops on the base of the head under the occipital. The scent of peppermint has been shown to reduce or relieve headaches. The oil itself has been shown to absorb into the skin and muscles relax.

6 . Use an ice pack . Put an ice pack or a cold towel on your forehead and under the base of the head to the occipital.

So if you work in an office job or falling in front of a television, you now have a solution for treating neck pain and headaches and other problems without surgery " neck of the computer."

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