Thigh muscles is composed of three parts, the hamstrings at the back of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles on the front and inside the adductor muscles. While the first two types of muscles work together to help extend and flex the leg muscle pain, abductor muscles pulls the legs together .
Pain in the butt and inside is a common phenomenon , especially if you are prone to injured during sports activities. Quadriceps strains fracture of the femur leg muscle pain, the pain can be attributed to one of these causes. Sometimes thigh muscle pain, antithrombin deficiency , osteoarthritis of the hip or other diseases that can cause pain in the thigh . Here's a look at the causes , symptoms and treatment of muscle pain in the thigh .
causes of thigh muscle pain
Strains thigh muscle : A tear of the quadriceps and hamstring leg muscle pain can occur after activities like sprinting, jumping or kicking. You may be mild to severe muscle strains thigh sprinters and jumpers fences notice.
Stress symptoms vary depending on the severity thereof thigh muscle pain. For example, a mild strain may cause a slight pinching and stiffness in the legs, but can also cause discomfort when walking leg muscle pain. This is in contrast with the tension you see in the pain of severe thigh thigh muscle pain, unable to walk unaided, swelling and bruising.
For the treatment of this pain thigh muscle pain, cold therapy can be used. This is based on rest, ice, compression and elevating bases leg muscle pain. This, along with stretching and strengthening exercises for the thighs , all can help establish painless healing process thigh muscle pain. Several factors such as muscle fatigue, poor conditioning and muscle imbalance that may predispose to muscle injuries in the thighs.
Sciatica: If you experience cramps in the legs and thighs , as well as sharp shooting pains and tingling , then you might be suffering from sciatica thigh muscle pain. This disease is caused by an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The main function of the sciatic nerve is to send signals to the brain and muscles to gather sensory information from the legs and back to your brain.
On condition that affects the sciatic nerve thigh muscle pain, there are a weakness of the muscles of the legs accompanied by pain in the leg muscle pain and thighs. With rest and muscle relaxants, anti -inflammatory medications may be prescribed to treat the disease thigh muscle pain. Exercise and physical therapy is one of the best treatment options for sciatica.
Inner thigh muscle aches and above can be attributed to several factors thigh muscle pain. Your doctor can recommend the appropriate treatment based on the symptoms and causes thigh muscle pain. So it is best to seek medical advice before the problem seriously worse.
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