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Herniated Disc Surgery

Most people with a herniated disc is not herniated disc surgery. However, if your doctor or recommended back surgery herniated disc specialist, it is something you can decide to do so.

Note that herniated disc surgery is not a sure thing. There is no guarantee that it will work.

The type of surgery will depend on the exact nature of the herniated disc. Usually , the surgeon will be able to tell the type of procedure , after reviewing your MRI .

3 herniated disc surgery procedures are as follows .

1 . Open discectomy (OD)

As you now know, because of a herniated disc surgery can hurt so presses disc fluid loss or irritates a nerve. It hurts . A discectomy removes sulfate , the contacts or irritates the nerve. Patients undergoing general anesthesia for this procedure.

2 . endoscopic discectomy

Liquid endoscopic discectomy , filtering removes herniated disc that touches the nerve. However, this procedure is different from the open discectomy to be much less invasive . An open discectomy requires at least 3 cm incision and spinal muscular coat.

Endoscopic discectomy , on the other hand , makes a small incision and endoscopic probe is used with a VCR connected , through which small surgical instruments are inserted to remove excess fluid that herniated disc surgery . Endoscopic discectomy is much less invasive than open discectomy . You can go home the same day.

3. percutaneous discectomy

This procedure is performed if the disc has not ruptured or herniated disc surgery, but instead swells causing pain . The procedure is performed with a needle-like instrument called a cannula which removes the tissue from the inside of the herniated disc surgery to relieve pressure . This procedure is used less frequently than open discectomy , but it is much less invasive than open discectomy . Patients remain awake during the procedure.

herniated disc surgery recovery expectations

Some patients benefit from pain hernia immediately upon waking. Other pain "disappears for several weeks after herniated disc surgery.

If you have an OD , you are directed to take it easy for several weeks. Absolutely not lift or turn .


Most EP succeeded to some extent . However, as with any herniated disc surgery, there are potential complications of bleeding and infection. In the case of a discectomy specifically, the likelihood of leakage of fluid in the spinal canal .

Keep in mind that most people who suffer from a herniated disc will not be a candidate for herniated disc surgery . Instead , most people must pursue less invasive treatment options.

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