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Tens Machine Back Pain

One of the most popular methods of pain control without drugs is the use of a tens machine back pain. tens (trans cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) are available without prescription and safe and easy to use . There is a wide range of machines available for home use from a simple machine for pain around $ 20 to over $ 300 for two channel machines that also includes muscle stimulation functionality.

How does a tens machine back pain Work?

Electrodes are placed on the skin (hence the name trans cutaneous) and the nerves stimulated by a small electrical pulse. A high speed of this pulse has the effect of blocking the impulses transmitted pain messages to the brain. Besides the low pulse rate can be used , which stimulates the production of hormones clean removal of body pain , endorphins.

tens machine back pain unit labor used to control the pulse intensity ,pulse rate and stimulation time is applied. It is generally recommended that the unit is used for twenty minutes and thirty minutes during which the pain is blocked by electrical impulses. However, the pain persists when the device due to the production of endorphins .

What kind of pain is not a tens machine back pain block?

The most efficient use of these machines is for the relief of chronic pain in the joints , muscles or nerves and is not recommended for other pain conditions such as appendicitis , hepatitis, etc. For people with chronic pain that requires strong medications for dozens of emergency can be very effective and are a good alternative for increasing the level of painkillers required .

Can you use tens machine back pain during labor?

tens machine back pain is becoming more popular as a non-drug method to help control the pain of childbirth . The electrodes are placed at the rear and intensity controlled by the parturient . As the level of pain during labor increases the intensity of the stimulation can be increased and allows complete control .

During labor the machine is often used in two ways . During a contraction a high pulse is used to block the pain and between contractions low , a pulse is used to stimulate the production of endorphins which in turn helps to reduce the pain of contractions .

tens machine back pain can be used from the beginning of the work , before the pain increased to stimulate the production of endorphins . This is more effective than waiting until the work is more advanced. One caveat to be made here is that the use of tens machine back pain before the 37th week of pregnancy has not been shown to be sure of what should not be used in the development of the fetus.

tens machine back pain is it safe?

Using a tens machine back pain is safe as long as you follow the safety instructions. You should not use this method if you have epilepsy or a pacemaker as the electrical stimulation can alter . If you feel pain , then you should always consult a doctor to diagnose the cause before using tens machine back pain.

It should not be used for medical conditions underlying ailments such as appendicitis or for anyone who has heart disease unless recommended by your doctor.

Never use the electrodes:

In the mouth
broken skin or wounds
in each branch
near the eyes or head
in areas of the skin that are numb or desensitized

The use of a relief tens machine back pain is safe, effective, non-drug for chronic pain . Make sure that your pain has been diagnosed by a qualified technician before use tens machine back pain and follow the safety instructions issued by the machine always doctor.

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